This is to all the Eminem fans! Guess what? Eminem's new music video titled 'Crack A Bottle' will be out in a few weeks time. Seriously, you people don't know how freakin' excited I am for his new video and album. Anyway, the shot below is a sneak preview from his new music video. I got it from Paul Rosernberg's (Eminem's manager) blog. According to him, the video will be released about two weeks from 25th Feb.

Here's the sneak preview. Don't ask me who is that and what is she doing. I got no idea at all! It looks really weird though.
p.s. 'Crack A Bottle' recently created a record for the most legal downloaded song in the net. This song is also currently the top song in the Billboard Top Single Charts and some other charts all around the world!
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