Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Finally, the moment I've been waiting for like so long is here! The release of Eminem's first single and video from his new upcoming album! I think I was the 1st person to watch it because I kept refreshing Eminem's website and around 6.02p.m. the link was there! I was so damn excited to see that link!
Okay anyway, the video was like how I imagined (stupid and funny). Honestly, I think allot of celebrities will hate him after hearing this song because allot celebrities are 'infected' in this video! Jessica Simpson, Jessica Alba, Amy Winehouse, Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian, Ellen Degeneres, John Mayer, Britney Spears, 'Star Wars' haha and some other celebrities which I'm not so familiar with. Trust me, it's hilarious! The Eminem that I want is back! The song has a circus themed music. Here is the link in youtube if you want to watch. You won't regret!

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